I wanted to start this blog off with a joke about how pathetic the people are that have been tailgating in the muni lot since 7am this morning, but then I realized that several of my readers (king zaj, stanley barret, tdis, rudy, josh) would die for such an opportunity and/or are drinking and playing cornhole as I write this. So I am going to refrain from any such jokes. And for the record, I wish I had that in me. I wish that was part of who I was. I take some criticism for my cynicism about the Browns and the Cavs, and rightly so in some instances. But as Howard Zinn, author of The People's History of the United States put it: "dissent is the highest form of patriotism." So, in that respect I care very deeply for Cleveland sports teams, but my passion calls for accountability and intelligence from the front offices all the way down to the coaches and players. Having said all that, I think the Browns have a very nice chance of winning the game tonight, and hopefully getting on a role and getting back into the playoff picture. Romeo and Chud have had a nice bye week to establish some things and hopefully guys have gotten healthy. More than anything though, the way the NFL season has gone so far, THE TEAMS THAT NEED THE GAME MORE DESPERATELY HAVE WON THE GAME. I think if we would have played the Giants yesterday we would have knocked them off. Playing on Monday night hurts us because the Giants players are motivated by that factor. And probably only that factor. They have been watching this shitty Browns team on film all week and are probably bored to tears. The game could go a lot of ways, I have no idea. The Giants might mail it in until winning time and steal it, or the Browns could play well and win. Well see. Speaking of pathetic, lets get to my takes on tv shows and basketball clinics....
Kevin Eastman:
Got to spend a couple hours listening to Kevin Eastman talk about basketball yesterday. He is the top assistant for the Boston Celtics, lead player development trainer for Nike, a successful college coach, and has recently started to dabble into leadership speaking. The guy is a worker, and for all intents and purposes, probably one of the 20 smartest basketball minds walking this planet right now. He talked for an easy 4 hours, everything from why the Celtics won it, to individual skill development, to overcoming the mental hurdles that plague not only hoopers but businessmen and the like. He had a really interesting perspective about a lot of things. A lotta great mantras and quotes, and a very analytical approach to the game. He touched on a lotta cool tid bits, some of which I had already heard from his protege Ganon Baker. Stuff like Kobe Bryant doesnt work out anymore cause that's what all players do. He blacks out when he works out now. Kobe kill boxes--the places on the floor Kobe wants to get to to dominate a game. Shoulders to hips on the dribble drive. "Eyes make layup, feet make shots." Improving vs. Proving. He was VERY high on KG. What was interesting to me was the fact that he really didnt talk about BRON much. He almost went out of his way to not talk about him. Which is interesting considering he's the best guy in the world. He kept the focus much more on Kobe and KG. Interesting. But Kevin Eastman was superb, and I would love to sit down and talk to him one on one, or watch him work with pros in an intimate setting. I can go on all day about how sharp he was but let's get to Mad Men.
Mad Men:
This is the best show on TV, and no one watches it. I am telling you, this is a show that you have to stick out for a couple episodes and watch because it is worth it. It is kinda too late now, cause were 8 episodes into season 2, but its a great show to get into while you have all this downtime in college. And I say all this, and I believe it, but I know that I am a little weird. I love character piece TV shows, and have the patience to stick them out and get into them. A lotta people dont like that, and that's fine. This show is written by the right hand man of David Chase. David Chase created the Sopranos. Matthew Weiner wrote a lot of Sopranos episodes and now writes Mad Men. He is very good. But it's a very unique show. It takes you into the 1960s, at a marketing/advertising firm called Sterling Cooper. The main character, Don Draper, is the man. A Tony Soprano like giant of a role. The women on this show are off the charts. It really is incredible. These girls in season 2 have been phenomenal. And this is not the kind of hot that you see with the extras from Entourage. There is an unique elegance to their hotness that is just spectacular. If you dont believe me, google January Jones and you will start to change your mind a little bit.
Pickup Artist 2:
Probably never been more excited for a second season of a TV show ever. This show takes us into the mind of Mystery, the most innovative pickup artist in the whole world. He is an expert on social dynamics, dating science and seduction. And this show focuses on transforming 12 trainwreck guys who have never gotten their shit together into novice pickup artists. A couple of my buddies introduced me to this right about this time last year, and I have just become entrenched in reading about this and learning about it. Now I covet every article that discusses social dynamics, female dynamics and the like. And every aspiring article and method digs deeper and better. If you have no clue about the MM, it is predicated on building value with everything you do and say. It is about maximizing your social value, your survival value, and your replication value. Here is an easy thing to do, its called the 3 second rule: if you see a girl that you think is interesting and you wanna talk to her, approach her in 3 seconds or faster. Pretty good rule. Eliminates approach anxiety. Shows you have guts and confidence. Etc. I am very excited that I have convinced a couple of my friends to watch this show and look into some articles about it, because their lives are about to change for the better. And make no mistake, this is a facet of interest that will help you establish and build the life that you have always wanted. And I still have friends that feel weird or are just scared to look into it, and I think that is just so silly. All this stuff is a great base and guideline for your life. Your not fuckin going to a bar and reading off a script. Very much not so. It is more about carrying yourself in a confident way, and improving your social value in all phases of your life. So there is my pitch on that, and I look forward to a great season.
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