Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's Always Sunny on Coventry-tourage

The time has come for me friends, to become a sketch comedy writer. And my first project is a show that takes place on Coventry road. It’s a cant miss pilot, and when you couple that with the fact that myself and my writing team are gonna write it, it really makes you think how much longer shows like Entourage will be around. Coventry road is full of life. The geography and setup, especially at night make the street a very sought after socializing destination. It has every thing for every walk of life.

It’s a street where you can eat chicken wings, burritos, teriyaki chicken, hot dogs, quality sushi, Korean, a grand slam breakfast, a Panini sandwich, or a piece of pizza for a buck. It’s a street where you can buy a vintage KISS poster, trade in your Super Nintendo, buy purple leather pants with a vest to match, or purchase a 20 year old copy of 1984. It’s an avenue where you can talk to a black guy, get caught staring at the hottest chick you’ve seen all week, while overhearing two lesbians, while overseeing two gay guys fighting, while briefly getting scared by a group of Goths, while getting a kick out of the 17 old dishelved freak who is wearing tight jeans, Chuck Taylors, a cardigan and sunglasses (at night), smoking a cigarette and listening to his walkman cassette player. Coventry has great dynamics and character to say the least. Those dynamics, poised with a group of cool friends, an apartment right on the street and great writing; and a show is born.

I have 5 episodes in mind already, and I really only started thinking about it two days ago. The pilot episode is a no brainer: You guys know me. I love to argue and analyze the most pointless things in the history of the world. It is no surprise that I would write this inspired by the likes of shows like Seinfeld, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, 30 Rock, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. So think that kinda premise when you play with this idea in your head.

Episode 1: Swooping This pilot episode would take us through the Thursday of the two main characters. It would obviously start at the Coventry diner at about 11:30, right when they woke up, and profile the game planning they undergo leading up to the attempt(s) to take home a 18 year old skank from John Carroll from the dance floors of Johnny Malloys or McNultys. There would be a huge disagreement about which songs make the girl's panties drop (for comedic purposes, we’ll tentatively say this one and this one) Arguments and strategies would go on throughout the course of the day and would dominate the script. Friends would be called into question for their opinions and goals for the night (there would be 1 maybe 2 other friends who are unemployed and chill all day, there will also be a friend who works downtown, and is clinging to the life he used to lead). The night would finally start to get going. Hilarious lines would be tried. Questionable drunk grinding methods would be attempted. And the friends would go home empty handedfrom the token friend who hammered the gnarliest girl at the bar. It would end right where they began the previous morning, at the diner.

Episode 2: I Bet You Can't Get That Hot Asian Waitress at Pacific East
Episode 3: There is NO WAY that Bouncer at Panini's is Tough

The season would build off that. There is a lot to build on on Coventry Road. Characters will introduced. Nicknames will be given. Love interests will blossom. Enemies will be made.

Anyway, I would like some feedback on this topic. Let me know your thoughts whenever you feel like it.

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