Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26th

When planning: multiply everything by 2. 2 hours to do a project?  Set aside a 4 hour window.  3 years to become a vice president?  Plan on it taking 6 years.

Mark Cuban: "It was right around November when I was 27 that I remember looking at a 0 dollar bank balance at the ATM."

Loehr: If this is as good as it gets for me, how can I find a way to enjoy this time in my life, this very moment, as it exists right now, without change?

Keep busy.  The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he wither in despair.

Our bodies change our minds and our minds change our behavior and our behavior changes our outcomes.


Persistence is making sure that "right now" you aren't taking a break from what's important to you.

We have a few years to live.  We can live fantastically or robustly or we can live on cruise control.

Think quantatively, not dramatically.

Be the person you want to work for.

Enjoy and seek out places where you take blow after blow and build the endurance to bear it.

You have to be relentless.  Absorb a lot of blows.

Mark Cuban: "Your biggest enemies are your bills.  The cheaper you live, the greater your options.

It's better to be alive and a little weak than be dead in good health.

Live in a vision.  Not in circumstances.

Carnegie: "Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment."

Who are you being with your family and friends?  Are you being truly supportive or are you stuck in the negative?  What about the interactions with yourself?  Do you acknowledge the good things you do or are you a nagging brother to your own self?

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