Friday, May 8, 2009


After several requests to hear more of me and less of JC3 I have decided to make my followers happy, and write another guest blog. Let me start of by saying that the Cavs looked pretty good last night. Anytime Wally throws one down, you know its going the Cavs way. My good friend, and longtime drinking partner Mike Armagno aka "The Big Citizen", sent me a text during the game asking me if LeBron would be the best player in the NFL. I firmly believe he would. Who would be able to stop him in the redzone, I mean besides Eric Wright and Brandon McDonald. Anyways let me get to today's real topic. I often sit around and think what I would do if I won the lottery. The list of possibilities is absolulty endless. I think I have put together a pretty solid list of ways to blow that 50 mil pretty fast.

1.Stay at John Carroll and rack up 500 dollar bar tabs on the Coventry road area on a nightly basis.
2.Fly a bunch of my buddies to Vegas for a week.
3.Buy Pizzazz
4.See the Boss 20 times
5.Join Canterbuy
6.Buy Armagno a car
7.Get Kelly Blair a really good fake i.d.
8.Get a place in Chicago and get Cubs season tickets.
9.Donate money somewhere so something can be named after me.
10.Buy Johnny Curran a pair of golf shoes.

I also want to apologize to anyone I forgot to mention in my Top 10 summer drinking partner list. I left out some true booze hounds, and to those I afended I am sorry. Koltsov, Protege, McConville, Flynn, the list can go on and on.

Also a happy 21st birthday to Jumpin John Ryan. I hope your first beers a good one brother.

See you at O'Rielly's

Big Rud

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