Lot to get to here in this post and posts going foward, but first lets touch on the Cavs-Celtics from last night quickly. It was a game that the Cavs needed way more than the struggling celtics needed, and the Cavs played great in a statement game blowout to go 19-0 at home. The champs are still the champs, and they still have the belts. And they will undoubtedly have something to say in May and June, but the Cavs are far and away the favorites to win the east today and for the foreseeable future. Boston has to make multiple moves to add a couple pieces if they don't wanna get swept 4-0 or 4-1 by Cleveland. I think its apparent that unless the Celts add Starbury and a small forward who can try to match up against LeBron, we'll be much more focused on stopping Dwight Howard and finding funny ways to make fun of J.J. Redick on the bench. The artist in charge of scribing in names on the MVP trophy can get started now, cause LeBron isn't giving that thing up. It's just a question of whether were gonna deal Wally's contract to add another piece that will allow us to win the finals. That is a topic for another podcast/article.
Myself and everyone who I socialize and fraternize with are going to do the things we have always wanted to do in 2009. We are gonna do it the right way, and if that means publishing a couple "resolutions," however cliche the idea is, then so be it. January is always an interesting time to kinda hypothesize and tinker with different ideas to try in the coming year. I love the brainstorming but often fall short of expectations. Let's see if we can't get some momentum in 09 and keep it going all year. In no particular order...
Resolution # 1 --Meet Erin Andrews. I think this resolution speaks for itself. She's a babe. But after scouring the internet for over 10 minutes, there isn't a single scandalous picture of her anywhere. And that troubles me. Now the problem lies in where a meeting could occur. Right off the top of my head, I would say Progressive Field. Hopefully the Tribe can get something going early, and a potential big Wednesday night or Sunday night game at the Prog can force ESPN to send EA to CLE for the night. Only time will tell. My next thought was the Big East tournament in NYC in March. This is a tournament that I have had circled on my calendar of sporting events to hit for quite some time. She will definitely be there. That is where I plan to enter her life, and change it for the better. I will now begin to except suggestions for things to say to her. Just email them
Resoulution #2--Visit Chicago, NYC, Seattle, Charlotte and San Diego. I capped it at 5 cities because thats probably my most realistic ceiling. I don't really know what these visits entail, but I have never been to any of them, and really anywhere else for that matter, so I wanna get started on something. I hope to hit Chi and NY for work related purposes, which will leave me some vacation days and sick days to hit up the other 3 cities. Other cities that I wanna drink in include: Boston, Atlanta, LA and St. Pete. In the summer of 2010, much like LeBron, I plan to leave Cleveland for a couple years and live somewhere else, like Chicago. And for anyone who reads Bill Simmons and have seen his recent mailbags, Atlanta has jumped on my radar pretty hard. More on my potential blockbuster move in 2010 later this year.
Resolution #3--Finish .500 and reach the Final Four of the Lakewood Y Summer Session AND shoot 5 rounds under 75 at golf courses with a slope rating above 131. Thought I would couple my two sports resolutions into one, as I have other important resolutions to attend to. These are pretty good goals. They'll take some work and dedication. They are also very fun. The summer session at the Y is only 5 months away. Barring any catastrophic injuries, I am looking forward to that. Playing more golf is always a good goal, but I still love playing basketball way more. I added a Hybrid to fill the the hole of the 215-230 zone in my bag, so I am looking forward to hammering that. Involved in the second goal is setting up dates to hit the top golf courses in NEO. Stonewater, Boulder Creek, Sandridge etc. WATCH OUT COURSE RECORDS!
Back at you Tomorrow--JC
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