Sunday, January 11, 2009

Resolutions Continued

Quotes for the Day: "Everything popular is wrong." -Oscar Wilde, "Many a false step was made standing still." -Anonymous, "These individuals have riches just as we say that we "have a fever", when really the fever has us." -Seneca

Books that I Recommend:
The Last Lecture by Dr. Randy Pausch
The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
Outliers by Malcom Gladwell
Unleash the Warrior Within by former SEAL Richard Machowicz
Buy-ology: Truth and Lies about Why We Buy by Martin Lindstrom
Blink by Malcom Gladwell

Resolution #4-- Close 2 Professional Models. The number involved in this resolution is arbitrary. It doesn't matter whether I close 1 or 20, it's all about the journey and the process of getting to that point. For all the naysayers out there, who have a hard time believing that myself or any other guy in our social circles have the ability to do something like this, you're absolutely mistaking. We make this infinitely more difficult than it really is. These are the kind of girls that we should be going after in many senses. The most beautiful women are often the most insecure. Behind their beauty could lie a heart and personality just dying to meet a guy like you. It is just a question of whether you have enough stones to find out. Are there any professional models in Cleveland? Maybe. But there are professional models in New York and other hub cities just waiting to meet people.

Resolution #5--Go to Las Vegas in March for the first 4 days of the NCAA Tourney and meet a celebrity and get his/her phone number. I have never been to Vegas but I imagine that if you go there, the second part of this resolution is probably a 100% guarantee. I can get Jeremy Piven's cell or Matt Ryan's without too much of an effort. It is a question of them remembering you enough to text you back or email you back and whether you can create a valued friendship. And you do that by offering a high value friendship proposition, which I would inevitably do. I was trying to think of my top 5 celebrities that are not big time enough to be recognized by everybody that I would love to meet and hang out with a bit while I am there and later keep in touch with. I came up with these 5 names (no order): "Bodey" from The Wire, David Lee, Jane Seigel from Mad Men, Anthony Kim and Sports Guy Bill Simmons.

Back at you Tm--JC

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